In a review of the IVEY Foundation grants they reported $1,210,000 in funds were donated to The Transition Accelerator over the two years of 2020 and 2021 suggesting the “circular economy” may have evolved within the “climate change” advocate’s domains!
Nevertheless, despite the above we should wonder where the TTA’s $2,266,838 of “charitable activities” actually went and why the CRA allows this to happen!
Bruce Lourie’s Creations of “Climate Change” Entities Transition into Charities Chapter One
Bruce Lourie over the years has become a celebratory related to his life’s work advocating for “climate change and the transition to a net-zero economy.” His biography can be found numerous times via a simple Google search, and they make him sound saintlike perhaps due to his ability to influence elected politicians in the advancement of the “Just Transition”.
One of his bios notes; “he has been instrumental in creating more than a dozen organizations that play a critical role in Canada’s transition to a net-zero economy, including Canadian Climate Institute, the Institute for Sustainable Finance, Farmers for Climate Solutions, Efficiency Canada and The Transition Accelerator.“
Yet another bio posted on CCI (Canadian Climate Institute) where he serves as a “director” states; “He is a founding Director of the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network and Canadians for Clean Prosperity as well as a Director with Philanthropic Foundations Canada and the Ontario Power Authority.“ The Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network has had a name change and is now called: Environment Funders Canada!
Lourie, as CEO of the IVEY Foundation has gained recent fame with the announcement back in late November 2022 stating; “the Ivey Foundation announced Tuesday that it will wind up operations by the end of 2027 and disperse its entire $100 million endowment over the next five years, beginning in 2023.“
Handing out money you didn’t generate in order to save the world from “climate change” would seem to be an easy task and obviously Lourie is committed to it. It is also fascinating Lourie has an ability to found other “organizations” dedicated to the same objectives and seems capable of obtaining Government Grants to get those organizations such as “The Transition Accelerator” (TTA) up and running.
Reviewing the Government Grant files for the foregoing discloses they have obtained $1,750,000 to execute and push “clean fuel standards”, and “awareness” of them! The Transition Accelerator, (a registered charity) based on their CRA year-end filing for December 31, 2021, not only received funds from the Federal Government but also reported funds were handed to them from both provincial and municipal governments totaling $360,000! It also received $2,201,983 from other “registered charities”. They reported spending $1,926,429 on “professional and consulting fees” and claimed “expenditures on charitable activities” of $2,266,848 which was 71% of their gross revenuefor the full year! Hmm, we should wonder who really benefited from that charitable activity and who was the beneficiary of the $1,926,429 spent on those “professional and consulting fees”?
Strangely enough the Ivey Foundation in their CRA filing for the year ended December 31, 2021 only reported “expenditures on charitable activities” of $1,049,390 so less then 50% of what the TTA reported! As Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”.
The TTA, despite being a charity, has received zero (0) dollars in the five years of filings with the CRA that required them to issue a tax receipt. One should wonder why Lourie decided it should be a charity and not simply a “not-for-profit” as it’s not attracting any real charitable donations?
In a review of the IVEY Foundation grants they reported $1,210,000 in funds were donated to The Transition Accelerator over the two years of 2020 and 2021 suggesting the “circular economy” may have evolved within the “climate change” advocate’s domains!
Nevertheless, despite the above we should wonder where the TTA’s $2,266,838 of “charitable activities” actually went and why the CRA allows this to happen!
Chapter 2
Interestingly enough should one review the CRA filings (December 31, 2021) for the Ivey Foundation it discloses the “Compensation range” for their employees. The following screenshot depicts that someone in the Foundation is paid in excess of $350K annually! The above noted five-year windup will mean the “someone” at the Ivey Foundation may have been paid $1,750,000 to run a charity! Not too shabby!
Bruce Lourie’s Creations of “Climate Change” Entities Transition into Charities Chapter Two
Noted in Chapter One of this series was the fact Bruce Lourie had created, amongst others, the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers Network several years ago but the organizations name had been changed to Environment Funders Canada (EFC). Lourie has a habit of creating entities associated with the “climate change” objective and later on changing their names. The other strange thing about his creations is the websites related to the creations seldom, if ever, have a “search” capability so as a result it is virtually impossible to find any references on the site connecting them to the founder which is the case with EFC. Lourie is not listed as either a member of the Board of Directors or in the list of Staff and searching in their posted articles and their annual statements will not have his name pop up! His biography posted on CCI (Canadian Climate Institute) where he sits as a Directordoes note that he was “a founding Director of the Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network“. One should wonder does that suggest perhaps he is a humble individual but, if that was the case, his biographies posted on the web presumably wouldn’t suggest he would seek speaking engagements for a fee!
Bruce A. Lourie is listed as the President in the Ivey Foundations 2019 CRA filing but the 2020 filing shows the President is Bruce A. Laurie. There is no “directors” listed in the 2021 filing! One would assume that “Laurie” is simply an error unless they have replaced him with someone with an almost identical name, but the latter seems unlikely.
The IVEY Foundation on their site state; they were “Established in 2014 as a strategic priority, Ivey Foundation’s primary focus is the Economy and the Environment granting program.“ Back in 2020they basically said all future grants would be towards support of reaching the elusive “net-zero” emission target which implied no grants would be made for any other purpose. As noted in Chapter One back in late November 2022 Lourie announced the Ivey Foundation would disperse “its entire $100 million endowment over the next five years beginning in 2023.”
Interestingly enough should one review the CRA filings (December 31, 2021) for the Ivey Foundation it discloses the “Compensation range” for their employees. The following screenshot depicts that someone in the Foundation is paid in excess of $350K annually! The above noted five-year windup will mean the “someone” at the Ivey Foundation may have been paid $1,750,000 to run a charity! Not too shabby!
Now, imagine how much the $1,750,000 would help food banks trying their best to feed families and seniors experiencing poverty due to energy costs rising which drive up the price of everything including what they need to eat? Now also imagine how many families could be fed with the “$100 million endowment” destined for Lourie’s alumni.
A brief review of the “grants” file on the Ivey Foundation website disclosed approximately $1,245,000 went to five (5) members of the Strathmere Group (Environmental Defence, Ecojustice, etc.) and $3,090.000 to five (5) of Lourie’s creations (Environment Funders Canada, The Transition Accelerator, Efficiency Canada, etc.) or where he was instrumental in their creation.
For some reason we should expect none of those employed by the Ivey Foundation or the ten companies we searched for on the Ivey “grant” site are worried about “energy poverty” or about the harm they and the myriad of climate cult charities entrenched within the CRA listings are causing.
Curiosity arose when the Ivey grants were totalled so a search of the Federal Government’s “Grant” files for the last 5 years was undertaken for those same ten entities referenced above and as it turns our the five (5) members of the Strathmere Group were handed grants of approximately $19.7 million and the five (5) entities associated with Bruce Lourie seem to have received grants of around $47.1 million. We should be pretty sure that much money would have helped lots of food banks across the country feed the undernourished families suffering from energy poverty!
We seem to be witnessing the advent of the “Circular Economy” that will apparently benefit the elite of our society which in this particular case are weirdly classified as “charities”!